Where geocaching meets public art.
Dublin Arts Council has commissioned the creation of Riverboxes™, artist-created vessels that are inspired by the hobbies of letterboxing and geocaching which combine map-reading or GPS skills and artistic pursuit with delightful ‘treasure hunts’ in beautiful, scenic places.
Riverboxes contain a unique artist-made stamp, journal and historical and environmental information for visitors to discover in Dublin parks along the banks of or connected to the Scioto River and its tributaries.
Get started and download your passport below!
Click "learn more" below for artist insights and clues to the whereabouts of each discreetly installed Riverbox.
Follow these tips:
Bring your own ink pad they dry out quickly (hint: use a few drops of water)
If there is not a GC code associated with a Riverbox, it's not a published letterbox on geocaching.com due to proximity rules.
If a stamp or ink pad is missing, feel free to sketch the stamp or make a note inside the square in your passport.
If the Dublin Arts Council gate is closed during non-open hours, you're welcome to park and walk around the gates.
Earn a Geocoin and Pathtag
Find all 16 original Riverboxes™, collect ink stamps to earn a geocoin and pathtag.
Explore the world around you in a whole new way with Geocaching Adventure Lab® outdoor scavenger hunts! Community-generated scavenger hunts let you uncover hidden gems, learn local trivia, discover landmarks, and everyday treasures through an interactive, outdoor, and contactless experience.
Contact Mandi Strapp
Have questions? Contact Dublin Arts Council’s Riverboxes Coordinator, Mandi Strapp.
Riverboxes Etiquette and Disclaimer:
Riverboxes are works of public art and are located in natural environments along the Scioto River and its tributaries. They are created for the enjoyment of all. Please respect the artworks, flora and fauna and leave them as you found them.
Riverboxes are found outdoors near water environments. As weather and terrain conditions may vary, it is the responsibility of Riverbox explorers to adequately prepare for the search and conduct themselves with respect to safety, personal abilities and limitations.
Do not let children search for Riverboxes unsupervised.
By utilizing Riverbox clues, the searcher acknowledges the potential risk of the search and accepts responsibility for their own actions, holding harmless Dublin Arts Council and Riverbox supporters.